healingHelloS O M A T I C / T H E R A P Yguided mushroom journey boulder co

New Moon Gatherings

new moon gatherings portland

N E W 

M O O N 

G A T H E R I N G 

The ritual of exploring the power of the New Moon is not just about setting intentions and manifesting desires — although we can certainly use the moon’s energy to help us along with those intentions.  Gathering to honor the New Moon is about descending into and navigating the necessary solitude of the Soul: a place within us that points us toward our deepest needs.

The dark phases of the moon draw us deeper into the underworld: the place where all is born and dissolves into death, to be transmuted and into new life again.  We honor the New Moon to honor the sacred mystery within us that is always reaching out to teach us something, and to guide us on our path.  When the moon is at her darkest, entry into and entreaty to the wisdom of the inner realm is most accessible.

We don’t go into the shadow to learn to love the light; we go into the shadow to learn to love the shadow.




E X P L O R I N G   New Moon Gatherings Portland OR

T H E   D A R K

G  O D D E S S 

Her forms are many.  She appears in myth and story across the ages, spanning the globe.  We’ll hear stories of her, her decent and ressurection, and explore own experience of these energies to see what they can teach us about the necessary decent into the Underworld.  In addition, in looking to luminous body of the Moon herself, we see what she can teach us about ourselves, our emotional needs and where we can more fully go belly-up to our instinctual desires.

We gather at a private residence in North Portland on every New Moon.  Contribution is $10 so we can keep your tummy happy and your whistle wet.



New Moon gatherings will resume in Autumn 2015.
If you’d like to be kept in the loop, click HERE.



{Images via Pinterest}

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healingHelloS O M A T I C / T H E R A P Yguided mushroom journey boulder co